🎯Representing a point

from typing import Optional

class Point:
    x: Optional[int]
    y: Optional[int]

    curve: EllipticCurve

    def __post_init__(self):
        # Ignore validation for I
        if self.x is None and self.y is None:

        # Encapsulate int coordinates in FieldElement
        self.x = FieldElement(self.x, self.curve.field)
        self.y = FieldElement(self.y, self.curve.field)

        # Verify if the point satisfies the curve equation
        if self not in self.curve:
            raise ValueError

Point-compression: To reduce the storage size for a curve point, one can also store a sign and thex coordinate. It is then possible to reconstruct the y by calculating sign * sqrt(x^3+a*x+b).

Ref: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/29905

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